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Articles | Special Reports

As technology payment methods change, governments need to market the benefits as well as install the technology or else get left behind.

Evolving payment systems need a better marketing strategy

| Exclusives, ICT, Ovum | No Comments
GovNews Exclusive - As technology payment methods change, governments need to market the benefits as well as install the technology.
Centrelink's fumbled debt recovery has received a deep investigation by the Federal Ombudsman, which was damaged through lack of consultation.

#RoboDebt’s failures – lessons for all government managers

| Exclusives, Federal, ICT, Ovum | No Comments
GovNews Exclusive - Federal Ombudsman recommends how welfare debt could have been better handled.
Radical changes to payment mechanism avenues, like cheques to digital, have forced governments to rethink how they approach business partnerships.

Payment mechanism changes force public sector adaptation

| Exclusives, ICT, Ovum | No Comments
GovNews Exclusive - With mutually non-contestable customer relationships, governments have to ensure inclusion for ‘loss making’ channels’.
The debt recovery system initiated by Centrelink has ruffled feathers across Australia, but is the "computer said no" excuse applicable any longer?

Centrelink’s RoboDebt fumbles debt recovery

| Exclusives, Federal, ICT, Ovum | No Comments
GovNews Exclusive - Is the "computer said no" excuse any longer applicable?
2016's #censusfail was one of the biggest high profile digital blunders, so how does this impact government procurement in the future?

#Censusfail puts public sector procurement between a rock and a hard place

| Exclusives, Federal, ICT, Ovum | No Comments
GovNews Exclusive - The eCensus outcome highlights the dangers of traditional procurement approaches.
The rise of Trump and the result of Brexit has rewritten the rules of citizen engagement - how can disruptive government be harnessed?

Trump, Brexit show citizens want to be heard

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GovNews Exclusive - New US President and Britain's recent referendum pose big challenges for engaging with citizens.
Appealing to millennials is hard enough, now governments have to content with their fickle technological fads, which is an uphill battle for governments.

Attracting millennials without leaving others behind

| Exclusives, ICT, Ovum | No Comments
GovNews Exclusive - Uphill struggle to appeal to the Gen-Y demographic, what can governments do?
Australia's digital leadership has many visionaries, but the challenge is in convincing Australians and employees that your inspiration is the way to go.

Cracking the hidden challenges of digital leadership

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GovNews Exclusive - Visionaries have the roadmap, but leading the way for employees and Australian has difficult trials ahead.
There are unforeseen variables in the future of technology that make long term procurement planning a gargantuan challenge.

Planning IT procurement for the next decade

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GovNews Exclusive - There are unforeseen variables in the future that make long term planning a gargantuan challenge.
New megacities of the future will have the advantage of being able to allow driverless vehicles become the norm as technology and infrastructure improves.

Driverless vehicles and future megacities

| Exclusives, Ovum | No Comments
GovNews Exclusive - Building a case for the benefits of autonomous vehicles in an increasingly digitised world.
As governments enter a process of digital transformation, they are at the forefront of a digital gold rush, which has created a newly uncharted economy.

How can national economies profit from the digital gold rush?

| Exclusives, ICT, Ovum | No Comments
GovNews Exclusive - Governments are struggling to work out how to derive income for their coffers from the new and emerging tech industries.
Australia needs a more centralised digital identification systems for citizens to interact with government as part of the digital transformation agenda.

How does digital transformation boost public services?

| Exclusives, ICT, Ovum | No Comments
GovNews Exclusive - The need for trustworthy online identity remains a critical requirement for access to government services.
Crowd control has always been a difficult task for governments, but new technologies are helping to predict behaviour like never before.

Future challenges in crowd control and management

| Exclusives, ICT, Ovum | No Comments
GovNews Exclusive - Crowd management has always been a difficult task, but new technologies are helping to predict behaviour like never before.
Ovum takes a look at the value of looking at the future of a digital perspective in creating a Digital City and pushing for change.

Strategy scenario 2025: The rise of the Digital City

| Exclusives, ICT, Ovum, Transport | No Comments
GovNews Exclusive - Assessing the value of looking at the future from a digital perspective.